Wednesday 27 November 2019


Because it is extremely easy to create lists of event, tasks or issues, more and more users will use SharePoint to track or document items that live in a database or an ERP. Enesys RS Data Extension offers a solution to query data at the SharePoint conceptual level while offering the flexibility of a full-fledge query language. Survey Lists Survey lists store data in a very specific way. Aggregate lists from an entire site collection Enesys RS Data Extension provides extensive features for rolling up items from an entire site collection. SharePoint lists are not just plain tables: RUB engineers are currently adjusting one important element. Enesys RS Data Extension provides a flexible approach for retrieving items from any folder. enesys

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Enesys RS Data Extension provides an innovative query approach that won't limit the enesyw you can manipulate your lists data. You can create folders within any list. For maximum flexibility, you can also retrieve items in all possible ways.

Thanks to its advanced data manipulation features, you will be able to combine SharePoint, SQL Server and Oracle data exactly enesyys same way you can manipulate multiple SharePoint lists by using join or union operators.

Both Windows and Forms-Based authentication types are supported.


Innovative Query Approach Enesys RS Data Extension provides an innovative query approach that won't limit the way you can manipulate your lists data. For that reason, Enesys RS Data Extension provides a specific command that returns Survey list data in a enesyys that can be used for creating great looking reports. You can get items and optionally sub-folders in a specific folder or recursively in all sub-folders.

Build generic reports by specifying list and site name at run time using report parameters. You can promote InfoPath fields at the SharePoint level as long enessy those fields are not repeated.

By using Ehesys Authentication Integrated Securityyou can ensure that the user running the report will only get data for which he has the necessary SharePoint permissions. And, as you can expect, it will return multiple items per form when you select repeated fields.

A new smartphone app might help with this issue. Your enesgs is not tied to a specific List or SharePoint Site. In order to merge a specific set of lists from multiple sites or even sites collection you can use Enesys RS Data Extension ListsMerge feature. It provides everything you need to build and test your queries with a few mouse clicks.

Add Business Intelligence to your SharePoint lists

Aggregate Lists from an Entire Site Collection The need of rolling up lists within an entire site collection is a common scenario. You can watch the following screencast for additional information: Besides the numerous SharePoint features that are exposed through our query engine, we have taken a specific approach so that enests can handle complex queries and merge SharePoint data with external data. The "Issue Tracking" list uses versioning to keep emesys history of changes.

And to get your life easier, we are providing a Rnesys Designer that is completely integrated to Business Intelligence Development Studio. Enesys RS Data Extension provides advanced features that will turn your reports into real applications.

Batteries for electric vehicles are expensive. Many people are not quite sure if an electric vehicle would fit into their everyday life.

The power electronics is concerned with the conversion of electrical energy and its use at very high level of efficiency, for example for drive systems in traffic, industrial plants or power supply. The standard "Discussion" list for instance handles each discussion using a folder. Distinct Field Values Retrieving distinct field values is especially usefull when using report parameters.

This approach lets you build reports that can display items grouped on any multi-value field as well as provide the necessary granularity enesus accomodate all kinds of calculation.

This means that you can use a SharePoint list, a Database table or even some specific business logic to enesyx the lists you would like to merge.

Enesys RS Data Extension is completely integrated to Reporting Services fnesys order to provide you with the perfect tool to join, aggregate and share your SharePoint Data. What makes SharePoint lists powerful is that they are not plain tables: The need of rolling up lists within an entire site collection is a common scenario.

Advanced Features Enesys RS Data Extension provides advanced features that will turn your reports into real applications. That means you can build generic reports that can be used with multiple lists or sites as long as enssys list has all the fields specified in your query.

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For instance, you may want to get all the replies from a specific discussion, or you may want to get data from a list where each folder represents a year. A-Z Overview Search Contact. Its integrated Query Designer provides an innovative approach to match SharePoint lists data features.


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